Sunday, January 12, 2014

Roulade of pork Loin, filed with Chorizo, Artichokes, and Roasted Red Peppers. Served with Butternut Whip and Finished with Brown Cashew Butter.

Roulade of meats is one of the best way to take a boring cut of meat and make something that will wow your family and friends. You want to pick a tender cut of meat to do this with, like a pork roast, pork tenderloin, beef tenderloin, lamb chop, veal chop, turkey breast, etc...

The only limit to the stuffing depends on the meat your going to be cooking. If it is a large roast like I'm preparing, you wouldn't want to fill full of cheese, as it you completely ooze out the sides and burn on the cooking pan. 

Your also going to want to make sure your chef's knife is sharp, as this will make the process much easier. 

Makes about 6 portions

Skill Level: Intermediate

Prep time 20 minutes.

  • Pork Loin Roast
  • 3 Chorizo Sausages
  • 1 cup uncooked bacon ends and pieces 
  • 1 Can Artichokes
  • 1 jar of Roasted Red Bell Peppers
  • 1 Butternut Squash
  • Heavy Cream
  • ½ Stick Butter
  • ½ cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 tsp Dry Basil
  • ½ tsp Dry Thyme
  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1 tsp Dry Parsley
  • ¼ tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
  • Toasted Cashews
  • Sweet Onion

Tools needed:
  • Large Cutting Board
  • Chef's knife
  • Pairing/Petty knife
  • ½ Sheet Pan or Cookie Sheet
  • Large Spoon
  • Food Service Wrap
  • Sautoir Pan
Pre-Heat Oven to 350 Degrees

Split the Butternut Squash down the middle and use a large spoon to scoop out the seeds.

Note: The seeds can be toasted and salted just like pumpkin seeds.

Salt, pepper, and rub olive oil all over the squash haves.

Place skin side up in a 350 degree oven and cook until soft to the touch. About 30-40 minutes depending on the size.

Cut just one end off the pork cryovac packaging.

Turn upside down over a sink or garbage can to allow juices to drain while sliding the meat free from its packaging.

Use petty knife to remove any silver skin, but leaving the fat.

Silver skin removed with the fat cap remaining.

Placing your chef's knife coincident with the cutting board, the handle should create the perfect thickness for your roulade.

Keeping your knife coincident with the cutting board, cut down the length of the meat.

Unroll the meat as you go.
By the end, you should have a large sheet of meat that is of even thickness.

Now to prepare the filling. Remove the chorizo from the casings.

Medium dice the onion.

Chop and cook the bacon.

When the bacon is browned, add the chorizo.

When the chorizo has cooked, add the onions.

After the onions have sweated, add the artichokes, the roasted red peppers, basil, thyme, paisley, and smoked paprika.

Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper and cook for about 5-7 minutes.

Allow to stand and cool in a bowl.

Once the filling is cool, spread evenly over the meat, leaving a flap that is clean. This flap with help the loin hold its shape once cooked.

Roll up as tight as you can, making sure your not squeezing any of the filling out of the sides.

Wrap in the food service wrap in such a way you can twist the ends, like sausages.

Then refrigerate. This will allow the proteins to lock, again to help ensure that the loin holds its shape during the cooking process. It is best to do this the day before and let the loin rest, wrapped tight, over night.
When you poke the squash with your finger and they are soft to the touch, they are ready.

Place on cutting board, skin side down, then gently scrape out the meat.

In a sauce pot, bring the cream and brown sugar to a boil. Add a dash of salt and vanilla.

Whisk the cream mixture into the squash until the desired consistency.

When ready, remove the plastic from the loin and place on a ½ sheet pan.

Cook at 350 degrees until golden brown. Allow to rest for about 10 minutes.

In the mean time, if you used a bulk can of artichokes like i did, you can transfer the artichokes and brine to freezer bags, of approximately the sized portions your use for recipes and freeze them for later.
After the loin has rested place on a clean cutting board.
2 thick slices make a good portion size.

Toast your cashews in butter with a little salt if you bought raw cashews like I did, and let the butter brown a bit.

Put the butternut squash on the plate, two slices of pork, then top with cashews and brown butter.


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